We've Won Portable Long Service Leave in NSW!

After years of tireless campaigning by ASU members from across the community and disability sector, Portable Long Service Leave has officially been passed by Parliament!

Want more information? Read on!

What is portable long service leave (PLSL)?

Long Service Leave is a basic right for working people in Australia, but workers in the community sector rarely get to access it.

For too long, essential workers have been denied fair long service benefits simply because the way Governments fund our work requires workers to change employers frequently.  That injustice ends today.
Community sector workers have immense skill, compassion and commitment. Many workers love what they do but burn out due to the stress of dealing with crisis and trauma.
By tying long service leave to service in the sector rather than for one employer, we can properly value workers and give them a well deserved break to help reduce burnout.

As the union for community and disability workers, the Australian Services Union has been calling for PLSL for our sector.

PLSL recognises your years of service to the community sector rather than to an individual employer. Your long service leave stays with you, even if you move between services or employers in the sector.

Why is portable long service leave needed?

There is a high turnover of workers in the community and disability sector because:

  1. The nature of work often involves working in high stress, crisis and trauma environments which can lead to burn out, and
  2. Government funding in our sector is often linked to short-term funding contracts, and
  3. at least 1 in 4 workers in the community sector are employed on short-term contracts.

All of this means that workers regularly change jobs, and when you move to a different employer you lose your entitlement to long service leave.

PLSL will provide you with a well-deserved break and reduce the turnover of workers leaving our industry.

What other workers already have portable long service leave?

  • Community and disability sector workers already have PLSL in the ACT, Queensland and Victoria
  • Construction workers and contract cleaning workers in NSW already have access to PLSL through a special scheme established for those sectors, and
  • Teachers and nurses in NSW can carry their long service leave with them if they change schools or hospitals. 

Community and disability workers in NSW are essential workers and deserve to be recognised for their contribution to the sector and our community.

How will it work?

PLSL schemes in other states have some common features:

  • Employers regularly contribute to a special leave scheme (like how employers pay superannuation). This amount decreases over time as the fund accumulates interest, creating savings for employers.

  • The scheme covers a broad range of roles in the sector. Everyone from frontline workers to managers and administration can access the leave.

  • Full-time, part-time, fixed-term, AND casual workers can all access the leave

  • The schemes often provide earlier access to long service leave. You can access your leave after 5 years in the ACT and after 7 years in Queensland.

  • There is usually a phase in period of between 5 to 7 years

  • The scheme is usually administered by an organisation established by legislation and governed by a mix of government, worker and employer representatives.

What are the benefits to workers?

The biggest benefit is ensuring that long term workers can have a paid break from the demands and intensity of our work to rest and rejuvenate.

  • Take an extended holiday
  • Spend time with family
  • Complete further education and training
  • Address health issues requiring rest or long periods of recovery while retaining your employment

What are the benefits to employers?

The biggest benefit to employers is the increased ability to recruit and retain workers in critical roles.

  • Make savings on reduced recruitment costs
  • Attract more workers by providing conditions similar to the public sector
  • Make savings in training costs as more workers stay in the sector
  • Medium to long term savings as the employer contributions gradually decrease over time

What are the benefits to the community?

The biggest benefit to the community is ensuring better outcomes for clients.

  • Communities and clients receive better outcomes when supported by experienced workers
  • Workers will be able to follow clients to different services or funding packages without disadvantage
  • Long service leave will reduce burn out and experienced staff leaving the sector.

How can you access portable long service leave?

As an ASU member you will get exclusive information to support you to access the scheme as possible.

We will provider Member Resources to make sure you register as early as possible.

Not a member yet? Join today.

Who is covered?

All community and disability workers, including everyone who works in:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community services
  • Accommodation support services
  • Advocacy services, including services provided by peak bodies
  • Alcohol and other drug services
  • Child safety and support services
  • Community care services
  • Community development services
  • Community legal services
  • Community mental health support services
  • Community transport
  • Disability supports and services
  • Employment services
  • Family and domestic violence services
  • Family support services
  • Financial counselling services
  • Foster care services
  • Homelessness support services
  • Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) services
  • Migrant and multicultural support services
  • Neighbourhood and local community services
  • Out-of-home care services
  • Respite care services
  • Settlement and refugee services
  • Social housing services
  • Social work
  • Women’s health support services
  • Youth justice services
  • Youth support services

How much leave long service leave will I get?

A worker will be entitled to 6.1 weeks of paid long service leave after completing 7 years of eligible service in the sector.

But workers who register early for the scheme will be able to access this leave after 6 years.

Can I have a break in my career?

Workers will be able to have a break in service of up to 4 years without losing their entitlement to long service leave.

How can you access portable long service leave?

Can I have a break in my career?

Workers will be able to have a break in service of up to 4 years without losing their entitlement to long service leave.

How will the scheme be funded?

All employers will share the cost of the scheme which will be funded through a levy (like how superannuation is paid).

Why do we need portable long service leave?

In an ASU survey of over 500 members who had worked in our sector for over 10 years, 57% had never had access to Long Service Leave.
During the formal Government consultation process the NSW Government heard that 96% of workers and 74% of employers in the sector supported Portable Long Service Leave.

When will it start?

In NSW Portable Long Service Leave for community and disability workers will begin on 1 July 2025. 


I know portable long service leave will improve the sector for the next generation of workers.
Carol, ASU member

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