Enough is enough: VOTE YES
11 September 2024

On Friday 13 September, workers at Sydney Trains and NSW TrainLink will receive a text and an email asking if they support taking protected industrial action. Delegates are asking them to vote yes.

Knowing the current Trains EA would expie on May 1 this year, the Combined Rail Unions group (CRU) - including the ASUAMWU, AWU, CFMEUETU, RTBU and PA - spent almost a year consulting with members across the rail network to develop a Log of Claims that represented the genuine interests of union members.
The CRU then elected Bargaining Delegates who could attend bargaining with Trains management to negotiate towards a new EA. You can see the endorsed ASU Log of Claims here  and the Combined Rail Unions Log of Claims here.  


Since June, the CRU has been trying to negotiate with Sydney Trains and NSW TrainLink for a new enterprise agreement (EA).
Key issues for the ASU and the Combined Rail Unions include:

  • a wage increase
  • better conditions that include improved leave arrangements
  • more job security
  • flexible work
  • better rostering arrangements, and
  • workplace health and safety

Now despite meeting with management of Sydney Trains and NSW TrainLink for more than three months, there has been no real bargaining because the management team attending bargaining meetings is unable to make a decision on any substantive issues.
The opaque decision-making process has led to growing frustration among the Combined Rail Unions, which have all now lodged applications with the Fair Work Commission to take protected industrial action.
You can read an article in Workplace Express about the ASU PABO application here: Union names State Treasurer in NSW rail PABO.
Commissioner Crawford granted the ASU’s application to take protected industrial action, along with four other unions (RTBU, AMWU, PA, ETU).
We now need to hold a ballot of all ASU members who are employed by Sydney Trains or NSW TrainLink. The ballot will ask you to vote on whether you support taking industrial action.
ASU Transport delegates encourage members to vote YES to every question as soon as you receive your ballot.

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I joined because I wanted someone to be by my side, someone that would actually have my back if anything went wrong
Clifford Out of Home Care Support Worker