Automatic professional indemnity insurance

Each day you work to improve the lives of your clients, and it is only fair that you are protected in carrying out that work. ASU members in the social and community services sector are automatically covered by Professional Indemnity Insurance.

This cover follows you no matter where you work in the community sector, including disability services, mental health, homelessness or youth services.

Our policy provides a limit of indemnity up to $5,000,000 for any one claim and $15,000,000 in the aggregate and cover for legal costs in relation to inquiries.

When you’re a union member, you can have peace of mind that you’re fully covered.

For detailed information, eligibility or advice contact


Journey insurance

ASU Journey Insurance is one of the many member benefits that come with your ASU membership and is an essential protection for you as a worker, protecting you on your way, to and from work. Our policy provides income protection while you recover from injury, and other benefits for details please contact your branch directly.

Most State and Territories automatically provide some level of journey insurance protection to all members of the community, however, people living in NSW and WA miss out. The ASU will continue to seek this to be available for every member of the community in every state.  


Health insurance with Union Health

Our trusted partners at Union Health can provide you with exceptional and affordable health insurance coverage. 

Union Health is a specialist health fund for union members, brought to you by TUH. Like Union Health, TUH is 100% owned by members and has been ranked as one of Australia’s best funds for trustworthiness, satisfaction and likelihood to be recommended (Ipsos Healthcare & Insurance Australia survey, 2017). 

Union Health has a range of quality products that will suit you through your different life stages. They do what they promise and stand by their values, which are our values too.

And as Union Health is owned by members, its profits go straight back to you through better products and services.

For more information visit



Only ASU members are covered at work
By joining the Australian Services Union you have automatic coverage for journey insurance in case you are injured traveling to or from work.
"I joined the union to ensure that we can have good conditions...the ASU stands by your side.”

ASU member

Flexible Work at Sydney Water

Pledge your support. 4/09/2024