You can join the ASU!

If you have a job, you can join a union.

The Australian Services Union is tens of thousands of workers who have united to protect and improve our wages and working conditions.

Our membership rates are based on your average weekly work hours.
16 hours or more: $13.85
Less than 16 hours: $9.50

We work in hundreds of organisations across many industries.
Join the ASU if you work in:
Social and Community Services
Disability support (NDIS)
Airlines, Shipping, Travel and IT
Public Water and Ports

When you look at some of the benefits you get from being in the union, some of the discounts you're entitled to, the free training that's now offered through the college, it really pays for itself.

Amy, Youth Worker and ASU member


ASU Member Amy from Southern Youth and Family Services

Portable Long Service Leave

After years of tireless campaigning, the Australian Services Union has WON portable long service leave for community and disability workers in NSW. 20/06/2024